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Friday, November 9, 2012

OH WOW! I am very sorry it has been almost a year....

Hi All!

I'm very sorry for my extensive delay! I have been cooking up a storm of course, gaining more knowledge about veganism as I always love to do, among other things. It's getting chilly outside, which means it's time to bake! As much as possible :)

I recently attended to Boston Vegetarian Food Festival with Zach, and although it was crowded beyond belief, it was lovely, as usual. There were numerous food vendors, countless samples, literarture about vegetarianism and veganism and a myriad of speakers. I didn't get to go to any speakers, but hey, maybe next year.

Vegan treats was at the vegfest, which was super exciting, becauses I didn't know they would come all the way from PA! (I have not been there personally, but I have had pastries from there and they are positively wonderful).

In other news, vegan candy canes are now out and on display at whole foods! Yay!

These were the most amazing little muffins I have ever made, I think they were supposed to be something like chocolate lava cake, but they ended up more like brownies. Zach and I made them one cold, rainy night a little bit ago. Anyway, they were from the book Pure Veganthat was a birthday gift to myself. I highly reccomend it.

For my birthday we went to The Red Lentil in Watertown, and I liked it, but I don't think I would go back seeing as it's far and it wasn't amazing. I only have pictures of the arame salad and the german chocolate cake (which is on my list of things to make a recipe for). I forgot to take a picture before we started eating it, I apologize.

Anyway, that's all the pictures I have for now, but my plan (for real this time) is to blog at least once a week and I have finally found my camera so all shall go well.

Tonight is Z's art show, so I wish him the best, and the same to the rest of the group. They borrowed my three waffle makers, and I requested that  they make at least some of the waffles vegan... we'll see.

In other news, I got the book Crazy Sexy Kitchen and it is positively amazing! I love how part of it is a summary of Crazy Sexy Diet and the rest is recipes. I can't wait to start making them and tell you all about it. This afternoon's endeavor is an Eggless Egg Salad, we'll see how it goes :)

Well... now it's time to do a little reading. I hope all is well!

Peace and Love!

